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Alien mistery buildings on moon

The footage uploaded to YouTube has been hailed as proof ( of a long-running conspiracy theory that there are buildings on the Moon, which could either be occupied by aliens, or be a secret NASA outpost.
Most video or images put forward in the past as proof of the conspiracy theory have shown blurry white objects that many said were just rock formations. However, the new footage claims to have some of the clearest shots ever of buildings on the Moon.

In the clip, a landing craft approaches the moon’s surface at a slow speed, reports. As it does so, the moon’s famous craters come into focus.
But ominously, an L-shaped structure appears to come into shot – sparking wild conspiracy theories of a colony in space.

The clip was posted to YouTube channel “UFOmania – The truth is out there” and has already clocked up thousands of views.

It was accompanied with the caption: “Never-before-seen footage shows buildings on the moon.

“This is 100 percent clear.
“The old footage shows structures, clear geometric structures that cannot be confused in any way as natural formations or moon rocks.

“What do you think? Please share your thoughts.”

Some viewers were left baffled by the clip, with one writing on YouTube: “Nice find, well done."

Although, many other viewers condemned the video as a fake.

One posted: “Your so-called structures cast no shadow.”

Another added: “Can you provide some proof of the authenticity of the footage?”
While one simply asks: “Who was above this craft?” showed the video to debunker Scott Brando who runs website
He said it was a clear fake and produced original NASA images without the L-shaped object and the Moon module in shot.
He also found the original NASA image of the Apollo 11 lunar Module Eagle above the Moon with Earth in the background which had been used to cut the craft out from for use in the hoax.
He created a gif showing how they were added in.
Furthermore, he found that the hoax footage had been screened on another YouTube channel UFO Science Ovni in May 2014, so was not even a new video.
Mr Brando said: "Hoax exposed."
We contacted UFO Mania over the footage.
A spokesman said: "This video was sent to us by an anonymous (source) and at the time we could not find the source of this video but we found it interesting enough to publish it on our YouTube channel."


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